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预约观演|周五直播 —— 天津茱莉亚学院与上海乐队学院联合音乐会

   日期:2024-09-19       caijiyuan   评论:0    移动:http://qyn41e.riyuangf.com/news/20390.html



朱塞佩·威尔第 (1813-1901)?


GIUSEPPE VERDI? (1813-1901)?

Overture to La forza del destino

德米特里·肖斯塔科维奇 (1906-1975)?








Cello Concerto No. 1?in?E-flat Major,?Op. 107 (1959)?




????????Allegro con moto

Youngeun Lee*, Cello

彼得·伊里奇·柴可夫斯基 (1840-1893)?







Symphony No. 4?in?F Minor,?Op. 36

????????Andante sostenuto - Moderato con anima

????????Andantino in modo di canzona

????????Scherzo (Pizzicato ostinato): Allegro

????????Finale: Allegro con fuoc

* 2022-2023天津茱莉亚协奏曲比赛获胜者

* Winner of the 2022-2023 Tianjin Juilliard Concerto Competition




本场音乐会将通过【TJS Live|天津茱莉亚现场】进行直播,让无法前来现场的观众有机会欣赏艺术家们的精彩演出。观众可通过下列平台观看直播:。其中,天津茱莉亚学院【官网】将独家开通限时回放功能,无法观看直播的观众可于演出结束后的24小时内在官网观看回放。







Ken Lam is director of orchestral studies at The Tianjin Juilliard School and resident conductor of the Tianjin Juilliard Orchestra. He is artistic adviser of the Illinois Symphony Orchestra, resident conductor of the Brevard Music Center in North Carolina and serves as artistic director of Hong Kong Voices.?

Lam was music director of the Charleston Symphony Orchestra from 2015 to 2022 and music director of Illinois Symphony Orchestra from 2017 to 2022. Previously, Lam also held positions as associate conductor for education of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, assistant conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, and principal conductor of the Hong Kong Chamber Orchestra.

In 2011, Lam won the Memphis Symphony Orchestra International Conducting Competition and was a featured conductor in the League of American Orchestra's 2009 Bruno Walter National Conductors Preview with the Nashville Symphony. He made his US professional debut with the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center in June 2008, as one of four conductors selected by Leonard Slatkin. In recent seasons, he led performances with the symphony orchestras of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Pops, Baltimore, Detroit, Buffalo, Memphis, Hawaii, Brevard and Meridian, as well as the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Seungnam Philharmonic, Guiyang Symphony, and the Taipei Symphony Orchestra.

In opera, he directed numerous productions of the Janiec Opera Company at Brevard and was assistant conductor at Cincinnati Opera, Baltimore Lyric Opera and at the Castleton Festival. In recent seasons, Lam led critically acclaimed productions at the Spoleto Festival USA, Lincoln Center Festival and at the Luminato Festival in Canada. His run of Massenet's Manon at Peabody Conservatory was hailed by the Baltimore Sun as a top ten classical event in the Washington D.C/Baltimore area in 2010.

Lam studied conducting with Gustav Meier and Markand Thakar at Peabody Conservatory, David Zinman and Murry Sidlin at the American Academy of Conducting at Aspen, and Leonard Slatkin at the National Conducting Institute. He read economics at St. John's College, Cambridge University and was an attorney specializing in international finance for ten years before becoming a conductor.

Lam is the 2015 recipient of the John Hopkins University Alumni Association’s Global Achievement Award, given to individuals who exemplify the Johns Hopkins tradition of excellence and have brought credit to the University and their profession in the international arena.

大提琴家李姈垠从11岁开始在韩国艺术天才教育中心学习音乐。作为当地 管弦乐团的一员,以及“天才个人奖学金”的获得者之一,她在那里开启了她 的音乐之旅。在音乐生涯之初,她就经常以独奏家的身份与管弦乐团合作演 出,以及担任乐团大提琴首席,在美国和西班牙等国家的多个重要演出场地 进行表演,包括爱丽丝塔利音乐厅、金梅尔中心、肯尼迪中心。她对室内乐有 着十分浓厚的兴趣,经常在各种不同编制的室内乐组合和团体中演出,合作 的对象不仅限于钢琴、弦乐和管乐等标准古典乐乐器,还与声乐和韩国传统 乐器合作。随后,她进入SUNHWA艺术高中,继续她在大提琴独奏、室内乐 和乐团演奏方面的音乐教育。由于她在学校的出色表现,她获得了学校颁发 的优秀奖学金。随后,她在 JoongAng、TBC、CBS、KCO、Sungjeong、音乐 教育报、大邱、釜山、大田音乐协会等主办方举办的一系列音乐比赛中赢得了 诸多大奖,并作为独奏家与大邱交响乐团、庆北省交响乐团和首尔国立大学 交响乐团合作演出。?

李姈垠对法律、美学、物理和语言(韩语和德语)等音乐以外的研究也有很 多兴趣。2016年,她进入韩国首尔国立大学音乐学院学习,这让她有机会专 注于大提琴演奏,并进一步深耕其他感兴趣的领域。在本科学习期间,她多 次担任首尔国立大学交响乐团的大提琴首席,并以毕业生代表(优秀毕业生) 的身份毕业。在校期间,李姈垠一直专注于室内乐学习,并与众多乐团合作演 出,包括NOVA乐团、SSS(Spirit of SNU String)、SNU Tuosi、首尔管弦乐 团,并在首尔艺术中心、江东艺术中心等韩国各大主要音乐厅巡演。作为现 代音乐的拥趸,她曾加入到许多现代音乐合奏团体中并进行演出活动。?

李姈垠目前在天津茱莉亚学院攻读室内乐表演硕士学位,并获得学校提供的全额奖学金和助学金。在天津茱莉亚,她频繁地参加天津茱莉亚学院师生室 内乐音乐会,演奏的曲目涵盖从巴洛克到现代各个时期的音乐。作为三重奏 组合Trio con Fuoco的联合创始人和成员,她随组在青岛、武汉和天津等中国 各地进行重奏巡演。在表演室内乐的同时,她保持着极高的独奏水准以及扩 展了大量的独奏曲目。她于2022年底赢得了第二届天津茱莉亚协奏曲比赛的 冠军。从天津茱莉亚学院毕业后,她将于今年夏天开始进入美国密歇根大学 音乐、戏剧与舞蹈学院,以全额奖学金的待遇,加入著名大提琴教育家理查 德·亚伦的专业班,攻读表演音乐艺术博士学位。?

李姈垠曾接受过大提琴家理查德·亚伦、米克洛斯·佩莱尼、秦立巍、理查 德·纳洛维、蓝汉成(中提琴家,室内乐)、马里奥·卡内罗、马赛尔·巴尔顿、 爱德华·亚伦和费利佩·忒波特的指导。她的主要老师包括、李晟真、申智淑、 尼古拉斯·萨瓦拉斯和金兗珍。

Cellist Youngeun Lee began studying music at the Arts Gifted Education Center in Korea at the age of 11. She started her music journey as a member of the orchestra there, and was also selected as one of the recipients of the Talented Individual Scholarship. At that time, she performed frequently as a soloist with the orchestra, and served as the principal cellist performing in the Alice Tully hall, Kimmel Center, the Kennedy Center in the US, and Spain. She had an intensive interest in chamber music, performing frequently in both standard chamber groups and unique ensembles collaborating with not only piano, strings, and winds, but also voice and traditional Korean instruments. Ms. Lee then attended the Sunhwa Arts High School, furthering her musical education in cello performance, chamber music and orchestral studies. She received a merit scholarship for her performance and academic effort in the school. She then won numerous competitions and grand prizes with JoongAng, TBC, CBS, KCO, Sungjeong, Music Education Newspaper, Daegu, Busan, Daejeon Music Association, and performed as a solist with Daegu Symphony Orchestra, Gyeongbuk Province Orchestra, and Seoul National University Symphony Orchestra.??

Ms. Lee also has many interest in studies other than music such as law, aesthetics, physics and languages (Korean studies/German). In 2016, she entered Seoul National University School of Music which provided her the opportunity to both focus on cello performance and further the studies in her other interests. ?During her undergraduate studies, performed multiple times as the principal cellist of the SNU Symphony Orchestra, and graduated as a valedictorian. Since college, Ms. Lee has been focusing her study on chamber music and has performed with numerous ensembles such as Ensemble NOVA, SSS(Spirit of Snu String), SNUTuosi, Orchestral Ensemble Seoul, and toured at venues throughout Korea such as Seoul Arts Center, Gangdong arts center. As a champion of contemporary music, she has also participated in many modern music ensembles.??

Ms. Lee is currently in her masters studies at the Tianjin Juilliard School where she was awarded full scholarship and fellowship. At TJS, she participated in the Tianjin Juilliard Ensemble faculty-student side-by-side concert, performing music from baroque to contemporary. Focusing on the performing in China, she is a member and the co-founder of Trio con Fuoco, and has toured in various venues throughout China such?as Qingdao, Wuhan, and Tianjin. She then won the Tianjin Juilliard Concerto Competition in November 2022. After graduating from TJS, she will attend the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance starting this summer as a candidate for Doctoral of Musical Arts in Performance. She was awarded full scholarship and will study with Richard Aaron.??

Ms. Lee has performed in international master classes with cellists Richard Aaron, Miklos Peréni, Qin LiWei, Richard Narroway, Jensen Horn-Sin Lam (Chamber), Mario Carneiro, Marcel Bardon, Edward Arron, and Philippe Tribot. Her principal teachers include Sungzhin Peter Lee, Jisuk Shin, Nick Tzavaras, and Yeonjin Kim.

上海乐队学院由上海交响乐团、纽约爱乐乐团和上海音乐学院三方合作创办,是上 海音乐学院的二级学院,2014年9月正式开学。现任院长余隆先生为上海乐队学院 创办人。?

学院聘请国内外顶尖师资团队,结合专业基础和实践类课程,以上海交响乐团为实 践中心,构建国际合作交流平台,全方位培养职业乐队演奏人才。

除纽约爱乐乐团与上海交响乐团外,学院还和北德广播易北爱乐乐团、悉尼交响乐 团、新加坡交响乐团、香港管弦乐团、中国爱乐乐团、国家大剧院管弦乐团、广州交 响乐团、杭州爱乐乐团、贵阳交响乐团等建立了合作关系,提供学生职业乐团实践演 出机会。?

The Shanghai Orchestra Academy (SOA) is the result of a partnership among the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, New York Philharmonic, and Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Its inaugural class began in September 2014. Maestro Long Yu, Music Director of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, serves as the President of the Academy.?

Designed to address the need for advanced, post-graduate orchestral training at the highest level of technique and musicianship, the SOA provides rigorous training at the Master’s degree level for talented instrumentalists. The teaching curriculum includes private lessons, chamber music coaching, repertoire classes, mock auditions and professional seminars.?

An integral part of the SOA curriculum is practical training with professional orchestras. Students gain first-hand experience learning from and playing with New York Philharmonic musicians as well as performing with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. Other international partners have since offered practical training opportunities to SOA students, among them the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, China Philharmonic Orchestra, China NCPA Orchestra, Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra and Guiyang Symphony Orchestra.


The Tianjin Juilliard Orchestra presents up to 10 concerts each season, performing a diverse repertoire ranging from baroque to contemporary orchestral works, as well as pieces using traditional Chinese instruments. Resident faculty and visiting artists lead discussions, coach sectionals, and play side-by-side with students in rehearsals and performances. In addition to concerts led by the resident conductor, in recent seasons the orchestra has also worked with renowned guest conductors such as Chen Lin, Shao En, Rachel Zhang, Daye Lin, Long Yu, Huan Jing and Lan Shui.?

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