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每日英语听力 Day11

   日期:2024-10-04     移动:http://qyn41e.riyuangf.com/quote/12874.html

welcome to the listening time podcast. Hey everybody, this is conner and you are listening to episode 121 of the listening time podcast. Thank you all for listening i hope you are all doing great. the topic of today’s episode is a really interesting and i think that most of you are gonna like this because it’s something most of us or may be all of us are currently dealing with or are at least having to think a little bit which is , right?

we are experiencing a lot of inflation -> many countries around the world and a lot of places have had a lot issues because of an inflation economice has been hurt and people who have had hard time because of inflation in this recent period and remember that I’m recording this in 2023 so if you are listening to this in a future year, then this might not been as relavent. but during this time that i’m recording this episode inflation is a hot topic and many people are talking about this and complaining about it.

And so i thought i would be a good topic to discuss in today’s episode so we’ll talk about what -> inflation is the, causes and -> of -> inflation. we’ll talk about some contries that have very high inflation right now and what people do during -> of high inflation so this should be an really interesting episode. i’m excited for it and before we start remember that i have my new podcast available now which is called usconversations this is an exclusive podcast. you can sign up for it if you feel ready to listen to conversations -> real speed in English.

So in this new podcst i talk to different English teachers from around the -> States -> different parts of the country and we have a normal conversation about many different topics and i provide the transcript for you with the definations of keywords and phrases that we use during the conversation.

so i know that a lot of you have been waiting for this tyoe of content for me and now it’s available so if you like that you can click the link in the episode description below this episode that’s patreon.com/usconversations and of course you can sign up for my membership if you want my specialized training to help you undestand native speakers when they speak fast the link is also in this description below this episode and if you like this episode please share it with anyone you know who is learning English and please give it a five-star rating and write a review. Alright, let us get started.

Are your ears ready? you know what time it is. it is listening time.

okay, let’s talk about inflation, first of all what is -> inflation? people might have different definations of inflation and people think about this topic in different ways but i’ll just give an overall defination that most people would be happy with and that’s inflation means that there’s increase -> prices and fall in -> power. what does purchasing power mean? this just means that your money buys less staff you can’t buy as much staff with the same amount of money that you used to be able to buy so that’s the fall in purchasing power. so that’s inflation.

And many of us are struggling right now with inflation -> our defferent countries because over the past a couple of years we have seen a lot of inflation around the world. So let’s talk about some causes of inflation. there are different causes -> one particular thing. there could be certain things that come from demand side meaning the consumer who is buying products or services and there could be causes from the supply side from the people that are producing these goods and services may be the cost of procution has gone up for them and they can’t produce much staff or they need to raise prices because of problems with the supply side.

So, there are a lot of different things that can affect and influence the inflation rate but let me just talk about may be the overall idea of what causes inflation of couse that’s not -> the most detailed explaination. but i think it kind of -> everything so inflation is caused by having more currentcy units -> are chasing goods and services without a -> increse in -> of goods and services.

Okay that might be a little hard for you to understand let me explain it so currency unit just -> to one dollar or one -> or whatever right. And currency refers the different money that we use in different countries the dollar is a currentcy -> euro is a currency etc.

So when have more dollars for example in circulation but we don’t have the same increase in the productions and services if there isn’t an increase or there’s a decrease or if there’s an increase but not enough of the increase this will result in higher prices it’ll result in an inflation.

Think of an basic example right in the year 2020 and 2021 in many places for example in the Unitate States the government gave out a lot of free dollars to people. a lot people recieved -> checks and there were other forms of stimulus that -> more dollars more of -> currency units right?

However, this didn’t increase the amount of goods and services that were created so we have more dollars but we didn’t necessarily have more goods and services so people might have felt ricer because suddenly they had more money in their bank ->~account`.

However when you just increse the money supply that simply means prices will go up because now there’s more money in the system that is chasing the same amount of goods and services so that makes the price of these things go up. That’s just logic right?

so that’s what happens when you suddenly increase the currency and are more dollars more euros it makes prices go up and you can increse the amount of currency in the system without price inflation if the -> of goods and services increases even more than the increase in the currency. so a good example of this was in the late 1800s in the US when there was actually an increase in the overall currency, the amount of currentcy units in the system, however prices actually went down -> that ->?

本文地址:http://fmiwue.riyuangf.com/quote/12874.html    迅易网 http://fmiwue.riyuangf.com/ , 查看更多


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